Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eyeshadow Foiling

Want that shiny metallic foiled look? Here is the easiest way to achieve this.

You will need:
Shimmery eyeshadow
flat brush
eye drops(any kind will work)

Do not try this with matte eyeshadows as it will look blah. Shimmery eyeshadows work the best for this. Using a flat brush works best for this application. Using eyedrops works best as it doesnt dry out your shadow like water will.

Put a drop of eye drops on the back of your hand, dip your brush in the eye drops, dab a bit off on a clean towel. Put some of your loose eyeshadow in the lid and rub your brush in the shadow, will make a cakey paste on your brush. You should see it shine a bit. Tap off any excess loose shadow from your brush. When you apply the shadow to your eye, do not "swipe" it like you would with an eyeshadow applicator...DAB it on. Dabbing it on will help it adhere to the skin better. Allow it to dry and blend in with the rest of your eyeshadow you've applied. Below are some photos of a couple that I did. I know the white looks bad, just wanted to show the difference in applying dry and foiling(applying wet)

Hope this is helpful for you all.


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